New! TypeRocket v5 is now available. See docs.
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Release Notes
( v4 )
About Release
TypeRocket 4.0 is a complete rethinking of how you work with and build themes. We have considered the new PHP version landscape, component/modular based designs and so much more.
What is new in TypeRocket 4.0?
- New builder Typerocket plugin: Design component based pages without the hassle.
- New Fields: New links, toggle, and location fields.
- Improved stability: With the upgrade to PHP 5.5.9 and WordPress 4.5.
- Improved structure: Configuring TypeRocket is even easier now.
- Migrations: We now have migrations.
- New Routing: Routing is now more powerful and streamlined.
- Gutenberg: Optimized for Gutenberg... or turn Gutenberg using TypeRocket.
- Webpack: We moved from Gulp to Webpack.
- Bug fixes: Many little fixes.
- And a lot more!
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