Custom Fields that Help You Create Beautiful Admin Interfaces.

TypeRocket Pro helps you create beautiful websites by providing elegant custom fields and UI elements that match any WordPress admin scheme.

29+ Advanced Custom Fields for WordPress.

With so many field types to choose from your design possibilities are unlimited.

  • Text Expand field
  • URL field
  • Number field
  • Date field
  • Checkbox & toggle field
  • Radio button & radio image field
  • Password & hidden field
  • HTML5 input field types
  • Location field
  • Color picker field
  • Flexible matrix & builder field
  • List field
  • Image & Gallery field
  • Text & textarea field
  • Repeater field
  • Background field with focal-point selection
  • Search relationship field
  • Multiselect field with chosen.js
  • Select field with chosen.js
  • Redactor WYSIWYG field with media integration
  • Color swatch field
  • And more

Advanced Field Features

Completely customize and configure fields and create elegant frontend layouts or backends.


Protect your data and lockdown your custom fields with the TypeRocket ORM.

Create Fields

Make your own custom fields using powerful PHP classes and helpers.

Field Duplication

No need to repeat yourself. Clone or duplicate repeater, matrix, and builder field groups with the click of a button.

Field Validation

Add advanced validation to your custom fields using clean code to any custom admin page or on the front-end.

Fully Connected

In seconds, bind data to your fields from any resource. From inside WordPress or external third party services with APIs like MainChimp.

Conditional Fields

Control what fields or sections are displayed based on the value of another field.

Add Fields Anywhere

On the front-end. On the backend. Add fields to user profiles, menu items, post types, taxonomies, meta boxes, comments, dashboards, widgets, and more.

Tabbed Layouts

Reduce clutter by adding fields into powerful tabbed layouts. Add icons if you like.

Keyboard Accessible

All fields are keyboard accessible. Many include handy shortcuts.


Group fields into fieldsets for beautiful and accessible designs.

Rows & Columns

Place fields into rows and columns to get the exact design you want.

Nested Fields

Nest repeaters fields inside repeaters. Nest matrix fields inside matrix fields.