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Post Types: Theming
( v4 )
- # Getting Setup
- # The Files
- # Publish Content
- # Archive Template
- # Single Template
- # Taxonomy Template
- # New Quick Fields
Adding custom fields to a post type is easy with TypeRocket 4.0 and theming with them is too. In our example of a team post type we walked through a basic setup. Now add that data to the theme.
Getting Setup
To template and theme the example post type, tr_team
In functions.php
<?php // functions.php
$team = tr_post_type('Person', 'Team');
$team->setArgument('supports', ['title'] );
tr_meta_box('Team Details')->apply($team);
function add_meta_content_team_details() {
$form = tr_form();
echo $form->text('Job Title');
$team->setTitlePlaceholder( 'Enter full name here' );
$team->setTitleForm( function() {
$form = tr_form();
echo $form->image('Photo');
$editor = $form->editor('post_content');
echo $editor->setLabel('About Person');
} );
Next, flush the rewrite rules in WordPress. This VERY IMPORTANT. Without flushing rewrite rules WordPress will not have a URL for the tr_team
post type.
Note: Flush rewrites by clicking Settings > Permalinks > Save Changes
The Files
You will need three files when theming in our example.
for the individualtr_team
members. -
for thetr_team
archive page. -
for the custom taxonomydepartment
If you did not set a custom ID, like with the taxonomy, remember that TypeRocket uses the singular name as the ID
by default. That is why you name the taxonomy template file taxonomy-department.php
This also means that you would use single-person.php
and archive-person.php
if you did not set the ID for the post type.
Publish Content
Publish some content in the tr_team
post type.
Notice when you publish content to a post type with TypeRocket the "flash message" corresponds to the post type's singular label. This helps make the management experience feel very refined.
Note: If the post type is not public or "Admin Only" the view link is removed from the "flash message".
Archive Template
Copy the dev mode code hint from the post type edit page for "Job Title" into a loop in the archive-tr_team.php
Note: In the config.php file set TR_DEBUG to true.
The code hint in this case is:
Lets set the text for the full name and job title in the archives page loop.
Remember the full name is the_title()
<?php // archive-tr_team.php
get_header(); ?>
<section id="content">
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post() ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
<?php the_title(); ?>
<?php echo tr_posts_field( "job_title" ); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Single Template
Here things getting a little more complex since we are using an image.
Image fields return the attachment ID since it is the best approach; not the url or an image tag. Use wp_get_attachment_image()
You will also list the terms for the department get_the_term_list()
<?php // single-tr_team.php
get_header(); ?>
<section id="content">
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post() ?>
<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<p><?php echo tr_posts_field("job_title"); ?></p>
echo wp_get_attachment_image(tr_posts_field("photo"));
echo get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'department', 'Department: ', ', ', '' );
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Taxonomy Template
To keep the code simple you will just require the code from the archives-tr_team.php
<?php // taxonomy-department.php
get_template_part('archive', 'tr_team');
New Quick Fields
When using custom fields in your templates using the field getter functions like tr_posts_field
you can specify how you want to mutate that data before it is returned.
For example, before you would need the following code to create an image tag in your template:
$media_id = tr_posts_field('field_name');
echo wp_get_attachment_image(media_id, 'full');
Now you can do it with 1 line of code:
echo tr_posts_field(':img:full:field_name');
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