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- # Setting Up Migrations
- # Logging and Storing Migrations
- # Make Migration
- # Migrate Up
- # Migrate Down
Setting Up Migrations
The TypeRocket migration system requires enabling WordPress command support to TypeRocket Galaxy. Once you enable WordPress commands you will see a new make command make:migration
Logging and Storing Migrations
TypeRocket migrations are logged and stored in the file system under the sql
folder. TypeRocket goes about migrations this way because WordPress does not have a standard migrations system. Keep in mind that if you have multiple servers architecture only one of them should run migrations because TypeRocket uses a file system to log migrations.
Make Migration
To make a migration run the make:migration
Galaxy command with a "name" for that migration.
php galaxy make:migration add_blocks_table
Then, in the migration file add the SQL for your migration. Under the >>> Up >>>
section add the SQL for migrating up or forward. Under the >>> Down >>>
section add the SQL for migrating down or backward.
Anywhere you add {
the migration system will replace {
with your WordPpess table prefix (the default is wp_
-- Description: For reusable page builder components
-- >>> Up >>>
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{Pro Only FeatureprefixPro Only Feature}blocks` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`title` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`blocks` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
-- >>> Down >>>
DROP TABLE `{Pro Only FeatureprefixPro Only Feature}blocks`;
Migrate Up
To migrate "up" and run all migrations that have not yet been run use the command migrate up
php galaxy migrate up
You can also specify how many migrations you would like to run. For example, to run just one migration you could do the following:
php galaxy migrate up 1
Migrate Down
To migrate "down" and run all migrations that have already been run use the command migrate down
php galaxy migrate down
You can also specify how many migrations you would like to run. For example, to run just three migrations you could do the following:
php galaxy migrate down 3
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