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Making a Command
To make your own galaxy CLI command use the galaxy command make:command
. Galaxy commands use the Symfony Console Package. Lets make a command named app:test
php galaxy make:command Test app:test
This will output,
Command created: Test
Configure Command Test: Add your command to config/galaxy.php
You can now find your new command at app/Commands/Test.php
. We will take a look at it next, but first add the command to the galaxy.php
configuration file.
'commands' => [
Now run php galaxy list
and check for:
app:test Short description here
Now run the command:
php galaxy app:test
This will output,
You are now ready to start building your command.
Coding Commands
Here is the Test
command class we just created. If you want to make your commands without the galaxy CLI this can serve as a working template.
namespace App\Commands;
use \TypeRocket\Console\Command;
class Test extends Command
protected $command = [
'Short description here',
'Longer help text goes here.',
protected function config()
// If you want to accept arguments
// $this->addArgument('arg', self::REQUIRED, 'Description');
public function exec()
// When command executes
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