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Query Caster
( v5 )
Getting Started
Many times WP_Query
, WP_User_Query
, WP_Term_Query
, and WP_Comment_Query
are very useful over the TypeRocket ORM. These classes have many hooks and are integrated with other plugins. However, it would be nice if you could use both these WordPress core classes and the TypeRocket ORM.
The \TypeRocket\Utility\QueryCaster
is just the tool you are looking for.
Cast the results of a WP_Query to any WPPost
model. For example, the Post
$results = \TypeRocket\Utility\QueryCaster::posts(
['post_status' => 'publish']
Note: When a model is used the post_type
of that model is applied to the WP_Query.
Cast the results of a WP_Term_Query to any WPTerm
model. For example, the Category
use App\Models\Category;
$results = \TypeRocket\Utility\QueryCaster::terms(
['hide_empty' => false]
Note: When a model is used the taxonomy
of that model is applied to the WP_Term_Query.
Cast the results of a WP_User_Query to any WPUser
model. For example, the User
$results = \TypeRocket\Utility\QueryCaster::users(
['role' => 'administrator']
Cast the results of a WP_Comment_Query to any WPComment
model. For example, the Comment
$results = \TypeRocket\Utility\QueryCaster::comments(
['post_id' => 1]
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