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Queues & Jobs
( v6 )
About Queues
The TypeRocket queues system allows code execution to happen at a later time. For example, some long-running tasks like sending email with wp_mail()
can slow down an HTTP request's response time while it waits for PHP to send the email. By using TypeRocket queues and jobs, you can dispatch the sending of the email for a later time, thus significantly increasing the response time of an otherwise slow request.
The job and queue system is build on top of the WooCommerce Action Scheduler because it is widely used and does not create collisions like other composer packages.
Getting Started
To start using the queues and jobs system, you first need to add the TypeRocket\Services\JobQueueRunner
class to your config's
settings. Once added to your services list you can begin adding jobs to the queue system.
'services' => [
* TypeRocket Service Providers...
* Application Service Providers...
'\TypeRocket\Services\JobQueueRunner', // <- Added here
Jobs are PHP classes that are designed to run at a later time once they are dispatched. When a job is dispatched it enters the queue system and the queue system will run jobs added to it using WP CRON. To create a job class sue the galaxy CLI command:
php galaxy make:job MyFirstJob
This command will create a App\Jobs\MyFirstJob
job class in your configured app/Jobs
folder. Further, the command will also add the job to your
registry. If your job class is not registered it can not be added to the queue. So, if you create a Job class manually you will need to register it manually as well.
namespace App\Jobs;
use TypeRocket\Utility\Jobs\Interfaces\AllowOneInSchedule;
use TypeRocket\Utility\Jobs\Interfaces\WithoutOverlapping;
use TypeRocket\Utility\Jobs\Job;
class MyFirstJob extends Job
public function handle()
// Do stuff when job is called
$payload = $this->payload;
And, added to the
config registry.
'jobs' => [
Queue A Job
Now that your Job has been created you can dispatch it to the queue from your plugins or theme after TypeRocket is loaded. Again, you need to add your job to the
To pass information along to your job you can send an array of data. The data will be JSON encoded.
'email' => '',
'name' => 'Kevin'
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