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Removing the Editor from a WordPress Post Type

The WordPress editor has gotten a lot better over the years. However, You don't always want to use it. For example, a custom post type used for photo galleries doesn't need the editor; but how do you remove the editor from a WordPress post type?

By using the remove_post_type_support() function.

Custom Post Type

Following the idea of a gallery post type all it needs are photos. So it makes sense to remove the editor.

Here is how to do that with the registered post type name of gallery:

  1. Open your themes functions.php file.
  2. Pass the post type ID as the first argument for remove_post_type_support().
  3. Then, call the function during the init action and set the priority to 99.
<?php // functions.php
add_action( 'init', function() {
    remove_post_type_support( 'gallery', 'editor' );
}, 99);

Note: Setting the priority to 99 will make sure it is called after your post type has been registered. You can always increase the number. 99999 might work better for you.

Posts and Pages

If you want to remove the editor from the post and page post types do can do the same.

add_action( 'init', function() {
    remove_post_type_support( 'post', 'editor' );
    remove_post_type_support( 'page', 'editor' );
}, 99);

Support Title Only

If you are registering a post type with TypeRocket Pro and only want the main title field you can use the setSupports() method instead.


WordPress Supports List

WordPress has a list of features any post type can add or remove support for.

  • title for the main title field.
  • editor for the WordPress editor.
  • author for the publishing author select box.
  • thumbnail for the featured image.
  • excerpt for the excerpt meta box.
  • trackbacks for trackbacks if the content is linked to externally.
  • custom-fields for the WordPress built-in custom fields meta box.
  • comments for comments.
  • revisions for revisions of the post type.
  • page-attributes for template and menu order (hierarchical only).
  • post-formats for post formats.

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