Old Repo Hosting Depreciating
If you are not using our https://typerocket.repo.packagist.com/ repositories, you do not need to do anything.
If you are using the old https://typerocket.repo.packagist.com/ repositories, please update your pro version to our satis package library at https://satis.typerocket.com/ with documentation at https://typerocket.com/docs/v6/install-via-composer/#section-pro-repository. We are shutting down that old https://typerocket.repo.packagist.com/ in 7 days.
We moved to https://satis.typerocket.com/ in 2022 and are now ending the support for our old repositories hosted at https://typerocket.repo.packagist.com/.
Thanks so much for being a loyal TypeRocket user!